Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

It's the most important sex hormone in a man's body, but it does so much more than control libido and influence sexual performance. Countless studies have concluded that testosterone plays an important role in the development of lean muscle mass and in the metabolism of stored body fat.

Science has proven that men who don't have enough testosterone in their bodies are at risk for a wide array of unpleasant symptoms, including irritability, depression, fatigue and poor sleep, and sadly, most men will become deficient of testosterone at some point in their lives.


Well, as men age, their bodies begin to produce less and less testosterone. The natural decline in testosterone levels starts around age 30 with production of the hormone slowing more and more with every year.

That process has been linked to heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, erectile dysfunction, poor athletic performance, bone loss and muscle tone loss in men.

The gents aren't the only ones that need to be concerned about testosterone levels. Women also need this vital hormone to be present in their bodies to promote good health and overall well being.

Ladies reach optimal testosterone levels in their 20s and experience a similar decline in testosterone production as men every year after.

Like men, women can experience serious health complications due to a lack of testosterone. When levels of the male sex hormone drop too far, the balance with estrogen in a woman's body can shift too greatly, reducing the speed at which her body burns fat. This results in weight gain and can also negatively impact muscle strength and bone density.

The good news is that you're not at the mercy of time, we can show you how to increase testosterone levels naturally. You really can take steps to increase testosterone levels safely and without the use of dangerous anabolic drugs.

Discover the best ways to increase testosterone levels naturally.

Eat Healthy Fats.

Just reading the words beside number one can strike fear into the heart of the avid athlete and fitness enthusiast, but you really don't need to be afraid of fat.

While it's true that too much fat isn't good for the body, the nutrient is needed in small quantities. One of the most important things that dietary fats play a role in is the production of testosterone.

Studies have shown that both men and women who follow diets that are rich in quality monounsaturated and saturated fats experience gains in testosterone levels. Research has also shown that men who transition from high fat to low fat diets typically suffer from major decreases in testosterone levels.

olive-oilThe key to eating fats while still keeping to a healthy diet is to choose the right ones. Some of the best monounsaturated fats include almonds, peanut butter, avocado and olive oil, while some of the top saturated fats are red meat, cheese, dark chocolate, eggs and coconut oil.


Keep HDL Levels High.

Yes, low density lipoproteins or LDL cholesterol can clog the arteries that put you at an increased risk for heart disease, but it's not the only type of cholesterol that's present in the body.

High density lipoproteins or HDL cholesterol has been billed "good cholesterol" because it is needed for overall health.

In order for your body to produce testosterone, you need to have HDL present in your blood, so a completely cholesterol free diet can seriously diminish levels of the hormone. Eggs are one of the best sources of HDL and have been shown in studies to not only boost testosterone levels but also to improve the body's response to insulin to keep blood sugar levels properly regulated. Other foods that contain HDL cholesterol include shellfish and red meat.

Try Natural Testosterone Boosters.

A number of supplements are available with natural, non-drug ingredients that promote testosterone production. These ingredients include:

Fenugreek. Sold in a standardized form under the brand name Testofen, fenugreek is an herb that has been clinically shown to boost the amount of free testosterone in the body. Studies indicate that Testofen can improve sexual function and boost athletic performance in men who are otherwise healthy.

Zinc. An essential mineral, zinc is needed to manufacture testosterone, and the majority of adults in the United States are at least slightly deficient of the mineral. One study found that men who began to take zinc supplements to overcome mild deficiencies saw an average of a 93 per cent increase in testosterone levels.

D-aspartic acid. Also known as DAA, D-aspartic acid is necessary for the production of testosterone. Studies have found that men who took 3120 milligrams of DAA daily for 12 days made an average of 42 per cent more testosterone than those who did not.

Vitamin D. Produced by the skin in response to sun exposure, vitamin D is needed to make testosterone. Research has indicated that men with higher levels of vitamin D in their bodies typically have higher levels of free testosterone in their bloodstreams.

Diindolylmethane. Also called DIM, Diindolylmethane is produced naturally when the body digests cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli. DIM does not raise testosterone levels. Instead, it lowers estrogen levels in order to promote a better hormonal balance.

Move More Joints.

Working out can fuel the production of testosterone, but some types of exercise are more effective at boosting levels of the sex hormone than others. According to studies, moves that incorporate the movements of multiple joints and muscles will have a greater impact on testosterone production.

Incorporating more bench presses, squats and deadlifts into your workout and using free weights rather than machines will help you enjoy the greatest gains.


Keep It Short and Sweet.

If you want to increase testosterone as much as possible, it's important that you time your workouts properly. Studies have found that after an hour of intense exercise, the body begins to increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol and decrease the amount of testosterone that's produced. In addition, research shows that taking short 1-minute breaks between exercises can effectively stimulate testosterone production.

So when you hit the gym, keep your workouts to 60 minutes or less and let yourself have short breathers in between sets.


Don't Skip Sleep.

Anyone who works out regularly needs to get enough sleep, as it's while you rest that your body goes to work repairing muscles and producing new muscle cells. For those who want to fight testosterone loss, sleep is even more important. Science has proven that hormone levels can become imbalanced due to poor sleeping habits.

To help your body produce as much testosterone as possible and maintain the ideal balance between all of your hormones, make sure you consistently get 7 to 9 hours of rest every night.


Focus on Quantity.

When it comes time to work out, how much you're lifting and for how long will have a major impact on how much testosterone your body produces in response to exercise.

Instead of lifting the absolute heaviest weight that you can through just one or two sets, back off on the weight and do more sets.

Studies have found that this approach leads to greater increases in testosterone levels than high intensity, low volume programs. Most experts recommend lifting at 70 to 85 per cent of your maximum load and doing multiple sets.

If you're experienced in the gym, you can continue to do sets until you reach failure, the point at which you are physically unable to keep lifting. This has been shown to give testosterone production a major boost; however, beginners may find it difficult to reach failure safely.

Remember to focus on exercises that will allow you to move the most muscles possible rather than isolating moves that use just one muscle.

So if you want to increase testosterone levels naturally, follow the steps above and if required we have a variety of products that can help you improve your diet and promote the production of testosterone. We have supplements that can promote testosterone function to help counteract the natural decline of the hormone that occurs with age, so that you can see better results from your workouts, burn fat more efficiently and simply feel your best.

Contact us for assistance selecting testosterone boosters and other nutritional supplements that will fit perfectly into your eating plan.

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