Why Protein Is Important In Your Diet
When someone tells you that you are on a diet, it doesn’t mean that they are simply cutting down the amount of food they eat. It is merely about eating the right food and absorbing the right nutrients that your body needs. Today, there are many different forms of diet and each has their own rules. There’s the Atkins diet where you consume mostly foods that are low in Carbohydrates. Ketogenic on the other hand is a kind of diet that reduces carb and upping fat intake. There is also the popular South Beach Diet and a Vegan Diet which is very self-explanatory.

As you can see, there are many forms of diet but not all is applicable to everyone. Just because a friend of yours tried a certain diet craze and lost a lot of weight doesn’t mean your body will respond the same way. It’s always best to consult experts or dietitians to determine which diet plan suits you well. As what they often say, the right diet is the one that keeps you healthy, happy and on-track. In order to stay healthy, you must ensure that you are getting the right amount of nutrients that your body needs on a daily basis.  Protein for instance is very crucial in our diet and allow me to explain why.


Protein is considered as macronutrient. Just like fats and carbohydrates, our body needs large amount of protein in order to survive. Protein has become part of our system in which they play huge role in our body’s growth and development. They are also the one needed to sustain the circulation and to provide our brain enough energy for cognitive functions.

Interestingly, our hair and our nails are both mostly made of protein. Protein is also responsible for building block of bone, muscles and cartilages. Same thing goes for our skin and blood. To top it all, we highly need protein in our diet to help our body repair damaged cells and make new ones. The basic structure of Protein is a chain of amino acids which are classified into three; essential, non essential and conditional. Essential amino acids are those that are not made by our body and only obtained through foods or supplements. Nonessential amino acids are made by our system from the essential amino acids while Conditional amino acids are the ones we need in times of illness and stress.

Sources of Protein

Interestingly, protein comes from variety of sources. Foods like meat, eggs, fish, soy and milk are rich sources of protein that our body needs. Beans, Legumes and some grains like quinoa and wheat germs are also great sources of this macronutrient. People who are in high-protein diet will find protein extremely beneficial in many ways. Consuming high protein foods can help maintain a healthy weight, reducing muscle loss, building lean muscle.

Protein may also help people recover quickly after exercise which is why many gym goers , athletes and bodybuilders find products like Protein Shakes and protein supplements absolutely helpful. Protein Shakes remain to be one of the most popular health supplements for active people as it helps them get the right amount protein they need on a daily basis and also to help them refuel the muscles after heavy workouts. Just be mindful that the amount of protein you need will depend on your age and the intensity of daily physical activities. So if you have an active lifestyle or a hardcore athlete or probably someone devotes himself in bodybuilding, chances are, the protein requirements is pretty high.

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